Foraging and Preserving
Most of our carrots seem to be ready and we’re picking them as we need them at the moment…stacking in time!!! Nina has been busy foraging hazels, crab apples and blackberries from around The Patch and...
View ArticleForest Gardening by Robert Hart
I’ve just finished reading this amazing and insightful book by Robert Hart. When learning about designing a food forest I kept hearing about how not to do it like Robert Hart did which intrigued me....
View ArticleThe Planning Application
When we arrived back to The Patch after a couple of music festivals in mid July we were surprised to find a planning enforcement notice attached to the new roof we had erected. It turns out that as we...
View ArticlePatch Update…
Happy new year everyone! We have not heard anything yet from the council regarding our planning application but we’re keeping our fingers crossed. More trees arrived from Martin Crawford at the end...
View ArticlePlanning Granted!!!
Today we received the long anticipated news that our planning application was granted. We’ve been checking almost daily to see if there has been any change on the online application and what a relief...
View ArticleRooftop Hand Washing…
One of the goals outlined in my diploma project 3 is that we “get to Australia in the most environmentally responsible way”. This will obviously affect our transport options, what we eat and what we...
View ArticleLa Premier…
So here’s my go at a little documentary. Part 1 of our Wwoof to Oz adventure. Next stop Spain…
View ArticleSurfing the Crisis
Nina and I have been in Greece for six weeks now, certainly longer than we expected. True to our travel design we are keeping spending to an absolute minimum – the only way to prolong the trip. People...
View ArticleOverland Travel Check-in
This week Nina and I completed our monthly travel check-in here in Astana. We departed England back in January and on the 23rd of each month we try to complete our check-in. An important part of...
View ArticleThe Patch – Remote Permaculture Maintenance
One of our big concerns once our food forest was planted, and knowing that we would be leaving the country for an unknown amount of years, was how would our little fruit trees and bushes survive the...
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